Sustainable Avocado Farming in Kenya

Kenyan avocados are nutritious and delicious. As avocado consumption increases, there is growing attention on the impact they have on the environment and rural communities.

Avocado orchards take up to nine years to reach full production. They can remain in production for up to 50 years. Kenyan avocado farmers are committed to sustainable production for present and future generations.

Water Conservation Methods in Avocado Farming in Kenya

Kenyan avocado farmers conserve resources like water and monitor their pollution levels. They eliminate wastage of water from their production by following the water laws and employing precise farming methods.

  • There are laws in Kenya that govern fair allocation of water for human consumption and agricultural use.
  • Avocados in Kenya are mostly grown in the equatorial climates reducing the need for irrigation.
  • More avocado farmers are using high tech irrigation systems which ensure efficient water use. Automated drip irrigation and irrigation scheduling calculators give each tree the exact amount of water it needs.

Avocado Tree Farming Practices in Kenya

  • Large scale avocado growers use dendrometers to read the swelling and contracting of the tree. This helps determine stress levels so as to grow healthier trees.
  • These large scale avocado growers also do nutritional monitoring to ensure trees have the nutrients they need to produce maximum yields.
  • Many Kenyan avocado farmers practice bio diverse farming such as beekeeping to support the natural plant and animal ecosystem in their farms.

Land Management Practices in Kenya

  • Kenyan legislation requires an environmental impact assessment before a change of land use is allowed. This protects the natural forests, waterways and wetlands.
  • New orchards are planted on land previously used for other crops.
  • Avocado farms are audited annually by independent auditors according to international codes of practice. This guarantees that Kenyan avocados are safe to eat and are produced in an environmentally responsible way.

Avocado Quality Standards in Kenya

  • Avocado export facilities in Kenya ensure that fruit carefully nurtured in the orchard is graded and packed to preserve fruit quality.
  • Pack houses and export facilities in Kenya hold internationally recognized food safety accreditations.
  • Bodies such as Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organisation (KALRO) and Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS) promote production based on scientific research to improve efficiency and fruit quality.
  • Export facilities in Kenya have cold rooms where avocados are kept cold or frozen before they reach either the export or domestic markets. The cold temperatures slow down the ripening process therefore extending shelf life and preserving fruit quality.
  • Oversight bodies such as Horticultural Crops Directorate (HCD) and Fresh Produce Exporters Association of Kenya (FPEAK) ensure Kenyan avocado producers are fully compliant with international requirements. These requirements include:
  1. Workers’ rights and good labor practice
  2. Pesticide use
  3. Carbon miles
  4. Food traceability

Here are other sustainable methods of avocado farming in Kenya:

  • Many Kenyan avocados are packed in bags with reduced plastic and others are packed in plastic free packages such as carton boxes.
  • Most avocado farms are in poor rural areas of Kenya where unemployment rates are high. Avocado production has created jobs on farms, in pack houses, export facilities and businesses that serve avocado farming.
  • Increased avocado production in Kenya has created more jobs and even new ones.
  • The Kenyan avocado industry has grown rural economies and uplifted rural communities.

Avocado production in Kenya is about growth for everyone involved from the farm to the market. As the industry grows, avocado farmers are continually evaluating the way they do their farming.

Kenyan avocado producers now realize that social and environmental matters affect the sustainability of their operations. It is because of their efforts that Kenya grows sustainable avocados every year.

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