8 Reasons to Choose Avocado from Kenya

Kenya is a leading avocado producer in Africa. Kenya is seeking to cement its position by planting new avocado trees in areas with the potential to produce the crop on a commercial scale. Not only is the nation a major avocado producer but it is also among the fastest growing avocado exporters in the world.

Avocado in Kenya

The avocado boom in Kenya is not going anywhere. This can be attributed to the rise in avocado farming in the country. Unlike in the past when it was done for subsistence use, it is now being done even for export by both small scale and large scale farmers.

Here are the 8 reasons why you should buy avocados from Kenya:

  1. Ideal Climate

Kenya’s natural geography offers excellent growing conditions for avocado. The biggest avocado producing areas are in the highlands. The frost-free temperatures, abundant rainfall and rich, fertile soils gives Kenya the advantage to produce avocados of outstanding quality.

  1. Sustainable Avocado Farming

Many avocado farmers in Kenya are keen on growing their fruit sustainably. Such farmers use water from natural sources like rainfall and rivers. They harvest rain water for irrigation in water pans. They also employ bio diverse practices such as beekeeping, intercropping and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) methods.

  1. Premium Quality

Kenya has put in place regulations to produce exceptional avocados. Farmers with Global Good Agricultural Practices (G.A.P) certification are the only ones allowed to export. Processing, packaging, storage and transportation is supervised by the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS). All avocados exported from Kenya must have a phytosanitary certificate from KEPHIS.

  1. Cold Chain Management

Kenya continues to invest heavily in Controlled Atmosphere (CA) technology so as to maintain the taste, freshness and texture of its avocados. Kenyan avocados are stored in cold rooms, transported in refrigerated trucks and shipped in refrigerated ‘reefer’ containers. This cold chain management ensures avocados from Kenya are transported over long distances without damaging their appearance, flavor or quality.

  1. Modern Transportation and Logistics

Kenya has built efficient transport and logistical infrastructure that easily bridges the distance to markets around the world. Avocados leave the country as air freight via the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport and as sea freight via the Port of Mombasa. These are world-class points of exit that are able to handle huge volumes of avocado cargo.

  1. Traceability

Kenya is quickly taking steps to develop traceability software for its avocados. This is possible because avocado exporters are sourcing avocados from farmers who are in farmers’ groups. Consumers in overseas markets can be confident that Kenyan avocados have met the proper food safety and accreditation standards.

  1. Export Competitiveness

Due to the fact that cost of avocado production in Kenya is relatively low, prices of Kenyan avocados are highly competitive. Customs clearance time and other procedures part of exporting avocados from Kenya are clear and predictable to ensure timely delivery. Kenya can supply avocados for a longer period as its main season starts in February and ends in October.

  1. Good for Your Health

Kenyan avocados are packed full of nourishment. Not only do they taste great but they are also rich in fiber, good fat and filled with nearly 20 vitamins and minerals. They can be made into a snack or added to any meal.

Here is a top avocado exporter in Kenya

Freshela Exporters

Freshela is a Kenyan based company that engages in the sourcing, processing and exporting of avocados and other fresh produce.

Freshela is a proud exporter of Kenyan avocados. We source avocados from our company farm and partner farms.

We give competitive pricing to our customers and guarantee reliable delivery time.

We use a modern grading machine to achieve desired avocado weight. The fruit is also graded to eliminate any with physical quality defects.

We pack avocado fruit for both air and sea freights. All of our avocado packing is approved by FDA and is certified by HACCP Quality Assurance.

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