The Complete Guide to Importing Tanzania Avocado into India 2024

Considering that competition for the avocado market in Europe is intensifying, Tanzania is looking for more buyers of its avocados in regions like Asia and the Middle East. The production volume of avocados from the East African nation is over and above what it was a few years ago. Furthermore, there are more than 10,000 small scale avocado farmers according to a 2020 report from Tanzania Horticultural Association (TAHA).

Tanzania Avocado

Tanzania has come up as a key avocado producer in Africa. The country produced about 20,000 tons of avocado in the 2016/17 agricultural year based on a report by the Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). That volume went up to around 38,000 tons in relation to TAHA’s 2018 estimates. With additional farmers switching to growing avocado, volumes are set to grow significantly in the next few years.

Avocado Market in India

Seeing as avocado production in India is still too low, imported avocados are found in the domestic market for most part of the year. In 2021, India shipped in nearly 900 tons of avocado. It is an increase of 112% from the previous year.

In 2022, Tanzania shipped out its first avocado consignment to India. It was made up of the Hass variety. The government of India has allowed avocados from Tanzania to enter the market duty free.

Tanzania Avocado Export

The transit time from Tanzania to India is about 7 hours via air freight and about 12 days via sea freight. That is a shorter time in comparison to South American countries. Here are other advantages Tanzania has in supplying avocados to India:

  • Not only does its season last from March to September but it also has another season from January to February.
  • Since only avocados from Tanzania can enter duty free, they cost cheaper than those from other countries.
  • Tanzania’s highland areas are covered by a sub-tropical climate which ensures consistency of supply.

Here are the phytosanitary protocols that Tanzania avocados have to meet to be exported to India:

  • Orchards, packing houses and fumigation treatment facilities must be registered by TAHA
  • Orchards must apply Good Agricultural Practices (G.A.P)
  • Orchards must do pest monitoring supervised by TAHA.
  • Orchards must use Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices to control quarantine pests of concern to India. These pests are:
  1. Mediterranean fruit fly
  2. Natal fruit fly
  3. Avocado leafroller
  4. False codling moth
  5. Avocado thrips
  6. White wax scale
  7. Avocado scab
  8. Avocado sunblotch viriod
  9. Black spots
  • Avocados must be fumigated with Methyl bromide.
  • Processing, packaging, storage and transportation must be under the supervision of TAHA.
  • Avocados must be washed, brushed, sorted and separated from deformed fruit.
  • Packaging materials must be clean and hygienic.
  • After an inspection, the Ministry of Agriculture issues a phytosanitary certificate for the approved batch.
  • Avocados in transit must be kept in cold storage at 0°C or below for 10 days, 55°C or below for 11 days and 1.1°C or below for 12 days.

Here is a top exporter of Tanzania avocado

Freshela Exporters

Freshela is a Kenyan based company that engages in the sourcing, processing and exporting of avocados and other fresh produce.

Freshela is a proud exporter of Tanzania avocados. We source avocados from our company farm and partner farms.

We give competitive pricing to our customers and guarantee reliable delivery time.

We use a modern grading machine to achieve desired avocado weight. The fruit is also graded to eliminate any with physical quality defects.

We pack avocado fruit for both air and sea freights. All of our avocado packing is approved by FDA and is certified by HACCP Quality Assurance.

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Top Quality Hass & Fuerte Avocado

  • Best price guarantee

  • Year round supply of avocado

  • Certified Production process

  • Kenya & Tanzania Avocado

  • 2-5 days turnaround time

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