Cashew Nuts Market Price in Sri Lanka – 2024 Prices and Charts

The interesting fact about the consumption of cashew nuts is that people and different countries enjoy them differently. This reflects the many tastes around the world and the different cultural traditions that come out when it comes to cashew uses.

The most loved and common nuts are the creamy white cashew nuts that are available almost everywhere in the world. These nuts can be taken raw or roasted. The roasted and salted cashew nuts are also in many stores around the world. Some are even spiced with honey or chocolate to make them even more yummy.

Because of this love, cashew nuts are eaten in different forms across continents from Europe, the United States, and Asia to Europe. Countries around the world continue to increase their demand for cashews hence the rise in exportation.

This demand is also a result of the rising acceptance of plant-based diets that are encouraging people to follow healthy diets.

Sri Lanka Cashew Nuts

Sri Lanka is one country well known in the international market for its especially milky flavor that is always preferred over other types.

This is because Sri Lanka mostly focuses on planting their cashews locally and organically so that they consistently have the best quality and taste.

The local types of cashew nut species are demanded by many importing countries to be used in different ingredients and dishes. Recently there has been a rise in cakes and baked goods with cashew nuts that are enjoyed by many people leading to more demand.

According to the international grading system, the majority of Sri Lankan nuts fall under the 150180 range or type. The most common and well-known type of cashew is the W-180 because of its large size and great quality. This type is normally the best for domestic use even in foreign markets.

The cashews in Sri Lanka come in many forms; raw, roasted, salted, spiced, and even dried. Most of the consumed nuts are in the form of snacks. They are grown in regions with suitable climates and soil types to ensure that they flourish and retain their flavor as well.

Cashew Nuts Price in Sri Lanka

In 2022, Sri Lanka’s cashew nut exports were valued at just above 600,000 US Dollars. This was a slight decrease over the previous year’s figure.

The sharpest climb was between 2020 and 2021 when the export value increased from 435,000 US dollars to just above 700,000 US dollars.

Here are the total values in the export of cashew nuts from Sri Lanka between 2013 and 2022.

Price of Cashew Nuts per kg in Sri Lanka

A kilogram of raw cashew nuts in Sri Lanka costs between Rs. 500 and Rs. 600 (about US$1.25 to US$1.50). The price of raw cashew nuts is usually highest in July and August when the harvest is at its peak.

The price then begins to fall in September and October, until it reaches its lowest point in November and December. Because most cashews are grown in the southern region of Sri Lanka, prices in these areas tend to be lower.

The quality, size, and market demand also determine the price of cashew nuts. Premium types such as W-180 command higher prices because of their superior quality. The overall production volume in a year and the demand are normally what determines pricing.

Sri Lanka Cashew Price

The cashew industry in Sri Lanka like that of other cashew-producing countries, is likely to experience many changes in the market and challenges.

This can affect even farmers whose incomes depend on the market rates. When the market value goes down, both farmers and the economy are hit hence the investment that goes into cashew planting,

Despite all these challenges, Sri Lanka remains a reliable producer of cashews with a promising future.

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