The Complete Guide to Importing Cashew Nuts in Italy 2024

Cashew nuts are seeds from the cashew tree (Anacardium occidentale) which is native to South America. Cashew nuts have become famous in the Italian market in recent years due to their high nutrition quality and multiple uses in Italian dishes. Cashews are sweet and savory snacks which are crunchy and have a buttery taste.

Cashews require specific conditions such as tropical and sub-tropical climates, well drained fertile soils and hot lowland areas with a dry season. These conditions favor the growth of quality cashews hence they are grown in specific countries which meet these requirements.

Major cashew producing countries are Vietnam, India, Ivory Coast and Philippines. Vietnam is the main exporter of cashew nuts in the world.

Cashew Nuts Italy

The climate in Italy does not favor growth of cashews hence cashews which are grown in the country don’t cater for the demand. Italy gets its cashew supply mainly from importing them from producing countries hence they are available throughout the year.

Cashew nuts are majorly consumed in cities where there is a high population of people. Major hotels and restaurants are also major consumers of cashew nuts since they are used as ingredients in several dishes.

Cashews Italy

In 2022, the country shipped in over 13,600 tonnes of cashew nuts. This is a decrease from the previous year where the country imported about 14,500 tonnes of cashews. This data includes both raw cashew nuts (in-shell) and shelled cashews.

Cashew imports in Italy have enjoyed a steady growth over the last decade. The highest volume was recorded in 2021 where the country shipped in over 14,000 tonnes of cashew nuts. The highest jump in volume was recorded from 2013 to 2014 with an increase of over 44%.

Here is the import volume of cashew nuts between 2013 and 2022

Importing Cashew Nuts into Italy

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to import cashews into Italy.

Cashew Supplying Countries to Italy

Vietnam is the main supplier of cashew nuts to Italy due to its large producing capabilities.

Italy also import cashew nuts in large quantities from other countries which include:

  1. Cote d’Ivoire
  2. Netherlands
  3. Germany
  4. Benin

Other countries which supply cashews in small quantities to Italy are:

  1. Brazil
  2. Spain
  3. India

Italy brings cashews from abroad through one of its busiest airports. Cashews get into the country as air freight through Rome-Fiuminco International Airport. The airport has a modern container terminal.

The other way cashews enter Italy is through one of its main commercial sea ports. Cashews get into the country as sea freight through the Port of Gioia Tauro. The sea port has a modern container terminal.

Requirements for Cashew Nut Imports

Imports into Italy are regulated by laws which are included in the European Union (EU). All imports into the EU must be declared to customs using the Single Administrative Document (SAD).

The SAD contains information about the country of origin, commercial and financial information, identity of the data of goods and parties involved in the process of information.

Other documents which must be presented with the SAD include:

  • Import licenses or import custom declaration form
  • Document of origin from the exporting country
  • Transport document
  • Commercial invoice
  • Insurance documents
  • Packing lists
  • Sanitary certificate

Importers must pay duty and fees after submitting all the documents. It is also important for importers to ensure that cashews they have imported must meet all health regulations otherwise they will not be released by customs.

Here is a top cashew exporter in Kenya

Freshela Exporters

Freshela is a Kenyan based company that engages in the sourcing, processing and exporting of cashew nuts and other fresh produce.

Freshela is a proud exporter of raw cashew nuts and shelled cashews. We give competitive pricing to our customers and guarantee reliable delivery time.


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