
The Complete Guide to Importing Avocado in Botswana 2024

Botswana is a major importer of avocados in the South African region. The country is demanding more avocados, especially in the recent years, in light of their much praised health benefits. The avocado’s popularity in Botswana is spreading even into the rural areas. Consumers in Botswana have grown to love avocados. The green fruit is […]

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The Complete Guide to Importing Avocado in Namibia 2024

Namibia is one of the top importers of avocados in Southern Africa. Especially in the last 10 years, the country has been demanding more avocados for local consumption. The avocado is clearly gaining more importance in the Namibian diet. Avocados are quickly becoming marketable in Namibia. The biggest reason for this is the growing awareness

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Top Quality Hass & Fuerte Avocado

  • Best price guarantee

  • Year round supply of avocado

  • Certified Production process

  • Kenya & Tanzania Avocado

  • 2-5 days turnaround time

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