Cashew Nuts Market Price in Togo – 2024 Prices and Charts

A cashew nut is a seed produced from the fruit of a cashew tree. Cashew nuts are known for their creamy texture and sweet flavor. Cashew nuts have numerous health benefits due to their high concentration in minerals and nutrients. They are a good source of protein which is suitable for reducing lifestyle-related risks and conditions. They also have fatty acids which can help reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Togo Cashew Nuts

Cashew nuts have had a huge economic impact for the cashew farmers in Togo. They are able to generate revenue from selling their harvest and it has created job opportunities for many people in cashew growing regions. In return, the government also generates revenue from taxation of cashew nuts especially exported cashew nuts.

However, inconsistent weather patterns have majorly affected cashew production. Therefore, cashew nut farmers in Togo are embracing new farming methods to increase their yield.

Farmers are embracing pruning system (cutting some branches off a cashew tree) to improve air circulation especially in older trees which have huge branches. Other parts of the trees also receive more sunlight hence increasing their cashew production.

Cashew Nuts Price in Togo

In 2022, Togo’s exports were valued at just above 90 million US Dollars. This was a slight 0.5% decrease from the previous year. The sharpest climb was from 2016 to 2017 at when export value increased from approximately 33 million US Dollars to above 77 million US Dollars. This was an increase over 100%.

Here are the total values in export of cashew nuts from Togo between 2013 and 2022.

Price of Cashew Nuts per kg in Togo

The cost of a kilo of raw cashew nuts in Togo can be between 615 XOF (1 US Dollar) and 1535 XOF (2.5 US Dollars) based on the average export price per kg, the wholesale price can go as high as 1843 XOF (3 US Dollars).

Cashew Market in Togo

Cashew nuts in Togo are readily available. You can purchase them from local vendors such as supermarkets, open air markets and even from hawkers. Most of them are already fried hence ready for consumption. You can also find raw cashews which have already undergone treatment and don’t contain urushiol which is a toxic substance found in cashew nuts.

Types of Cashew Nuts

Cashew nuts vary in quality hence the prizes for each type also vary. White whole cashew nuts are of the highest quality. They have uniform white or light-yellow color and a whole unbroken kernel hence the largest and most expensive cashews.

Scorched wholes have a slightly darker color due to roasting hence have a slightly stronger flavor than white wholes but are also high quality.

Dessert wholes may have slight imperfections such as blemishes but are still edible and flavorful. They are considered a lower grade than white and scorched wholes.

There are also types of cashew kernels which are edible these include: white pieces, scorched pieces and dessert pieces. Their quality is varies depending on how they are graded.

Cashew Exports

Before exporting cashew nuts from Togo, you have to get the required documentation from relevant authorities. This rule was implemented so as to regulate export of cashew nuts and to reduce illegal exporting. The government aims to put in place a device which will monitor, track and severely punish the violators of laws put in place to regulate cashew nut exports.

Final Note

Cashew nut farming in Togo has a lot to offer, and with additional support from the government, the farmers can look forward to better profits. The value of cashew nuts may also have an increased market price hence increase in revenue for both farmers and the government.



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