Avocado Farming in Kenya: Guide to Profit

Avocado is just one of the world’s trendiest foods. But this fruit is more than just a tasty and healthy food. Avocado has turned out to be a valuable cash crop for Kenya.

Avocado Sector in Kenya

Kenya has risen the ranks to become one of the world’s top producers of avocados. Fresh Produce Exporters Association of Kenya (FPEAK) says that last year about 69,000 metric tons were shipped out of the country.

They have also seen an increase of about 10,000 metric tons every year for the last three years.

Kenya’s Avocado Export Market

Kenya currently ships the bulk of its avocados to Europe and the Middle East. The market in Europe has been growing constantly during the 2020-2021 period.

The European countries with the highest consumption of Kenya’s avocados are:

  • France
  • Spain
  • The Netherlands

A few batches are exported to China.

Profitability of Avocado Farming in Kenya

Avocado exports between January and November last year earned Kenya Sh 14.48 billion. This is a jump from Sh 14.41 billion that was generated over a similar period in 2019.

Avocado Growing Areas in Kenya

Avocado farming is booming in Kenya. Murang’a is leading with 31% of total production. The counties that are closely following Murang’a are:

  • Kiambu
  • Nakuru
  • Kisii
  • Nyamira
  • Meru
  • Bomet

The counties to watch in the next two years according to Horticulture Crops Directorate (HCD) are:

  • Nyeri
  • Laikipia
  • Elgeyo Marakwet
  • Uasin Gishu

The area under avocado production in these counties has nearly doubled.

Avocado Farmers in Kenya

70% of avocado production is done by small-scale growers. They grow it for subsistence, local markets and export purposes.

Avocado Business in Kenya

Avocado business contributes income to multiple sectors in Kenya. It is raking in nearly half of the total returns from fruits exported from Kenya. Here are some of the reasons why:

  • Favorable Climate

Because Kenya is located at the equator, it experiences a tropical climate. The characteristics of this type of climate include:

  • High temperatures during the hot season
  • Moderate amount of rainfall
  • Higher amount of rainfall nearer the equator
  • Three seasons which are:
  1. Rainy season
  2. Cool and dry season
  3. Hot season

These factors create a fantastic environment that is suitable for growing avocados. The fertile soil, ample rain and warm sunshine are exactly what avocado trees need to flourish.

  • Good timing

Avocados from Kenya come to the market when other major producing countries such as Mexico and Chile are not in the market. Kenya avocado exports peak when it is the summer season in countries north of the equator.

  • High Demand

The European demand for avocados is growing. Europe’s avocado import in 2019 was about 600,000 tons. In the United States of America (USA), consumption reached 1.1 million tons in 2019. China’s and Hong Kong’s imports totaled 36,000 tons.

  • New Markets

When Kenya and China signed a trade deal in 2019, it opened up the Asian market for fruits from Kenya. Many farmers have shifted from traditional cash crops like tea and coffee to avocado farming.

  • Easy to Grow

Avocados are much easier to grow than other cash crops like coffee or tea. This is because:

  • It requires little labor
  • Avocado trees are more resistant to pests and disease

Other factors driving the growth of avocado farming in Kenya include:

  • The area under commercial avocado production is expected to grow by around 1,500 hectares in the next year.
  • Big players in the horticultural industry have entered the business. Some of these companies have planted avocado trees in medium sized orchards that are 30 hectares – 100 hectares.
  • Subsidized prices of avocado seedlings.
  • Formation of the Avocado Society of Kenya.
  • Formation of cooperative societies around the country for small holder avocado farmers.

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