Starting An Avocado Farming Business in Uganda

Avocado is one of the most popular fruits around. The fruit gives an instant upgrade to almost any dish like bread, salads and smoothies. It’s no wonder people have been adding slices of avocado to all of their meals.

Avocados get a bad reputation for being high in fat but experts agree that it is the healthy kind of fat from monounsaturated fatty acids. The creamy fruit feels indulgent and yet it is rich in vitamins and powerful antioxidants. The avocado hype isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

The versatility of avocado make it even more appealing. It is useful in different forms like eating them plain, with toast or even making a tasty pudding with them. Avocado is a treasured superfood because it fits into every diet.

Hass Avocado Uganda

Hass is the most demanded avocado variety in Europe. Such a ready export market has generated a lot of interest among avocado farmers in Uganda. The Hass avocado is now widely sought after by both producers and consumers.

Many small scale farmers in Uganda are shifting away from less profitable crops such as coffee and cocoa to the highly valued Hass avocado. The avocado farmers who are growing the Hass variety are doing it purely for the export market. They follow the conditions laid down by the Department of Crop Inspection and Certification (DCIC) on cultivation of the crop.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) launched a nationwide campaign in 2020 to get more farmers to grow avocados especially the Hass variety. This campaign has given hope to smallholder farmers who are now assured of government support from farm to market. The National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO) has started selling Hass avocado seedlings to farmers at subsidized prices and offering free extension services.

Growing Hass Avocado in Uganda

Hass avocado can be grown anywhere in Uganda. Farmers are advised to plant Hass avocado during the start of the rainy season. There are two rainy seasons in Uganda. One is at the end of February or early March and the other one is in July.

When planting Hass avocado, here are the steps to follow:

  1. Prepare the land by removing stumps, clearing bushes and plough the land up to 30cm
  2. Dig holes 2ft by 2ft by 2ft.
  3. Separate the top soil and the subsoil.
  4. Mix top soil with 6kg of well-decomposed manure
  5. Fill back the soil-manure mix.
  6. Remove the plastic bag, plant the Hass avocado seedling carefully and firm the soil around the hole.
  7. Water well

Hass Avocado Spacing in Uganda

The recommended commercial spacing of Hass avocado in Uganda is 5m by 5m from one tree to another and from one row of trees to another. With this spacing, one acre can hold up to 160 Hass avocado trees.

Field Management

There are some key field management practices that need to be done to raise up healthy Hass avocado trees.

  1. Mulching

Applying mulch around the trees will prevent loss of soil moisture and control the growth of weeds.

  1. Irrigation

Irrigation should be done after the first shoot appears. Water is crucial in the first three months of tree development and the fruiting cycle.

  1. Pruning

Pruning is done at the early stages before flowering to remove premature flowers and fruits and after harvesting.

  1. Weed control

Regular weeding should be done so as to reduce competition between the tree and weeds for water and nutrients.

  1. Fertilizer Use

Apply well decomposed manure when the tree is two years old. It should be applied twice a year during the onset of the rains. You should also top-dress with phosphate based fertilizer.

Pests and Diseases Control

The Hass avocado cultivar is highly resistant to pests and diseases and adverse weather conditions. In Uganda, the use of pesticides and fungicides is a last option for most avocado growers. They mainly go for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) methods that combine biological, physical and cultural methods. Some of the major pests that affect Hass avocado are:

  • Avocado thrips
  • Fruit flies
  • False codling moth
  • Scales

The common diseases that affect Hass avocado include:

  • Root rot is a fungal disease that is caused by poorly drained soils and mostly occurs in areas prone to flooding. Trees have pale-green and wilted leaves and the branches are sunburned and die back. It is controlled by uprooting affected trees. It can be prevented by keeping trees dry and treating seeds for propagation with hot water and fungicides.
  • Anthracnose is a fungal disease that attacks the fruit. The fruit develops dry, dark brown spots leading to abnormal development. Mature fruits are most likely to be attacked but young fruits also drop. It is controlled by proper orchard sanitation and use of fungicides.

Hass Avocado Yield per Tree in Uganda

Hass avocado matures and yields faster than other avocado varieties grown in Uganda. The first harvest comes after two and half to three years.

One Hass avocado tree can produce 100-300 fruits after three years. A mature Hass avocado tree can produce 700-1200 fruits after five years. The yield rises up to 3,000 fruits per tree after 10 years.

Yield per tree increases gradually year after year as the tree gets older. Proper weeding, pests and disease control and maintenance of trees will yield more fruits per tree.

Hass Avocado Export Market

Uganda currently exports Hass avocados via air to:

  • The EU (flight time of seven hours)
  • The Middle East (flight time of six hours)
  • The United Arab Emirates (UAE) (flight time of six hours)

Uganda’s proximity to potential markets like China, Japan and India makes the price of its Hass avocados more competitive than countries like Mexico and Chile which supply these markets.

Hass is the best-selling avocado worldwide because of:

  • Its rich, smooth taste
  • Its medium size which makes it easy to pack
  • Its long shelf-life (two to three weeks at room temperature)
  • Its thick skin which lessens the risk of damage during transportation

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