Commercial Avocado Production in Tanzania: Statistics and Guidance

Avocados are certainly a wonder fruit. You can use them in salad, soup, dip and even juice. But add health benefits to the list and that’s why they are much loved by many people. The simplest way to enjoy avocado is plain, just a few slices in a salad or sandwich. Thanks to its creamy flesh, avocados work well in various dishes.

Consumer demand for avocados around the world has been on the rise. Europe, which is the main export destination for Tanzania avocados, has also raised its appetite for the green fruit. In 2021, avocado consumption in the European market increased by almost 8% to reach nearly 720,000 tons.

Tanzania Avocado Export

Avocado production in Tanzania has expanded so rapidly that it has become the third largest producer of avocados in Africa after South Africa and Kenya. Traditionally, about 80% of the avocados grown in Tanzania are consumed locally but in the last 10 years, the avocado export industry has boomed. Tanzania secured avocado markets in India and South Africa in 2021, opening more doors to reach international consumers.

Here is the export volume of avocados from Tanzania between 2009 and 2019:

  • 5.6 tons in 2009
  • 50.4 tons in 2010
  • 86.3 tons in 2011
  • 627.7 tons in 2012
  • 1,393 tons in 2013
  • 1,877 tons in 2014
  • 3,279 tons in 2015
  • 3,830 tons in 2016
  • 4,374 tons in 2017
  • 7,551 tons in 2018
  • 8,483 tons in 2019

The Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) says avocado is among the top 10 export products from Tanzania. But Tanzania is yet to fully exploit its avocado export potential because it produces much more than it exports. Some of the challenges facing Tanzania avocados in accessing the export market are:

  • Poor quality of produce such as lack of Global GAP certification and other international standards.
  • Inadequate farmer skills and knowledge
  • Attack of pests and diseases
  • Transport and logistics issues
  • Limited access to finance

Avocado Farming in Tanzania

Tanzania is a relatively low cost avocado producer compared to other global competitors. The sub-tropical climatic conditions in Tanzania make it suitable for growing avocados.

Avocado production in Tanzania is dominated by smallholder farmers who cultivate avocados in their homesteads or in distant farms. These small scale farmers own between one acre and seven acres. Majority of them also intercrop their avocado trees with vegetables, maize, potatoes so as to earn extra income throughout the year.

Large scale avocado production in Tanzania is mainly done by two private companies, Africado Ltd and Rungwe Avocado Company. Africado Ltd, which is in Kilimanjaro Region, also sources avocados from about 2,215 smallholder farmers. While Rungwe Avocado Company, which is in Mbeya Region, sources avocados from about 3,600 out growers. Both companies export avocados from Tanzania.

Avocado Production in Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro Region is located in the North Eastern part of Tanzania. Today, the high altitude slopes surrounding Mt Kilimanjaro grow avocados. In 2018, the total avocado production from Kilimanjaro Region was 3,000 tons. Avocado farming is concentrated in Siha and Hai Districts.

Avocado Farming in Njombe

Njombe Region is located in the Southern part of Tanzania. Avocado farming is concentrated in Njombe and Wanging’ombe Districts.

Where is avocado grown in Tanzania?

Some of the other areas where avocado is grown in Tanzania are:

  • Mbeya
  • Songwe
  • Iringa
  • Arusha
  • Tanga
  • Kigoma
  • Kagera
  • Morogoro
  • Geita
  • Rombo

Both local and commercial avocado varieties are grown in Tanzania. The local varieties are grown by a majority of avocado farmers while the commercial varieties such as Hass and Fuerte are grown for the export market. But more farmers are replacing their local avocado trees with the commercial avocado varieties to get competitive prices in the export market.

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