Shipping Avocado from Kenya: What You Need to Know

Avocados are now seen as a superfood and a lifestyle product. Not only do they taste delicious but they also contain multiple health benefits. The avocado is a highly desired fresh fruit that is shaping the daily eating habits of thousands of people around the world.

Global sales of avocado are making record-level profits. Although the fruit has been around for many years, demand for it has skyrocketed in the last decade. Millennials are behind the surge in sales as they are buying more often and finding different ways to enjoy it. Consumers especially in developed nations can’t get enough of the avocado.

Kenya Avocado

Kenya is an important country of origin for avocados. The journey of avocado from farms in Kenya to retailers in Europe, the Middle East and Asia is a delicate one. Being fresh produce, the shelf life of avocados is relatively short.

The main avocado season in Kenya lasts from March to September. Avocados mature on the tree but only ripen once harvested. Additionally, the amount of time it takes for an avocado to ripen varies from days to weeks.

Exporting Avocados from Kenya

Keeping avocado from Kenya fresh requires a cold chain. Once they are picked, they are kept refrigerated constantly so as to deliver the best ripeness before they hit the shelves. Ripening and softening is delayed by pre-cooling the fruit immediately after harvest.

Here are the optimum Controlled Atmosphere (CA) storage and transport conditions for Kenyan avocados:

  • Unripe fruit is stored at temperatures between 8°C and 12°C and for ripe fruit it is between 5°C and 12°C.
  • Relative humidity during storage is between 85% and 90%.
  • Fruit is stored under proper ventilation at 2% to 5% oxygen and up to 10% carbon dioxide.
  • Fruit is stored and transported at very low ethylene levels to reduce early softening.

During the trip from tree to shelf, avocados release carbon dioxide, ethylene, water vapor and heat. As a result, storage for ripe fruit is between 7 and 14 days and up to 28 days for unripe fruit to prevent rotting. CA transportation through refrigerated or reefer containers extends the shelf life up to 6 weeks.

Here are other details you need to know about shipping avocado from Kenya:

  • Avocados are packaged in single layers in fruit crates or cartons and sometimes with padding and palletized.
  • Avocado cargo is handled carefully because it is sensitive to impact, pressure, heat and moisture.
  • Avocados are kept in good hygienic conditions because they can spoil when exposed to dirt.

 Avocado Export Business in Kenya

The government of Kenya regulates exporting of avocados primarily through the Horticultural Crops Directorate (HCD) and the Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service (KEPHIS). These bodies ensure that Kenyan avocados sold in markets abroad are of superior quality. Avocados leave the country either through the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport or the Port of Mombasa.

Avocado exporters in Kenya must meet the following requirements:

  • They must be registered with KEPHIS and HCD
  • They must have a food hygiene license
  • They must be issued a phytosanitary certificate by KEPHIS
  • They must have an export certificate from HCD
  • They must have a certificate of origin

Here is a top avocado exporter in Kenya

Freshela Exporters

Freshela is a Kenyan based company that engages in the sourcing, processing and exporting of avocados and other fresh produce.

Freshela is a proud exporter of Kenyan avocados. We source avocados from our company farm and partner farms.

We give competitive pricing to our customers and guarantee reliable delivery time.

We use a modern grading machine to achieve desired avocado weight. The fruit is also graded to eliminate any with physical quality defects.

We pack avocado fruit for both air and sea freights. All of our avocado packing is approved by FDA and is certified by HACCP Quality Assurance.

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Top Quality Hass & Fuerte Avocado

  • Best price guarantee

  • Year round supply of avocado

  • Certified Production process

  • Kenya & Tanzania Avocado

  • 2-5 days turnaround time

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