Why Choose South African Avocado

South Africa stands tall among avocado exporting countries. The avocados its delivering to international markets are getting better each year. South Africa is adapting to unfavorable weather conditions by improving its varietal range. Furthermore, several avocado growers are planting new cultivars at various altitudes so that they come into season at different times.

Avocados continue to be in high demand especially in countries with fast growing populations and rapid urbanization. Consequently, South African avocados are steadily flowing into Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Whenever they reach the market, they are on sale for an extended time due to higher production volumes in the country.

Avocado Production in South Africa

Avocado is becoming an important agricultural export for South Africa. So much so that around 15,000 hectares is covered by avocado trees, according to a 2021 census report by the South African Avocado Growers’ Association (SAAGA). Even though the bulk of avocado production is done by smallholder farmers, large scale growers are getting involved. SAAGA estimates that there are about 800 hectares under new plantings every year.

Avocado Industry in South Africa

South Africa is seeing an increased interest in its avocados both locally and internationally. In a quest for health, consumers find them convenient and nutrient dense. Not only do avocados from South Africa boast a broad range of health benefits but they also have a great taste.

Avocado exporters in South Africa use modern technologies in transportation and logistics so as to be profitable. Once harvesting at avocado farms in South Africa is done, the fruit is kept in cold storage in packhouses. Afterwards, they are transported in refrigerated trucks to the port. Finally, they are loaded onto refrigerated containers for shipping to foreign markets.

South African avocados are gaining traction abroad as a result of a highly organized industry. Members of SAAGA account for 95% of the country’s avocado exports. Simultaneously, SAAGA gives its farmers technical information and looks for new markets for their produce.

South Africa Avocado

Both the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) and SAAGA set the quality standards for South African avocado exports. While the Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB) does quality inspection on every avocado consignment meant for shipping. Majority of the avocado farmers in South Africa have a Global G.A.P. accreditation.

SAAGA is the body that funds generic advertising campaigns for South African avocados. They have been successful especially in the United Kingdom (UK), France and Germany. Additionally, South Africa has been a member nation of the World Avocado Organization (WAO) since 2016. In 2018, WAO represented about 70% of the avocados commercialized in Europe.

Here are other reasons why you should buy avocados from South Africa:

  • Cooperation with major avocado producers like Kenya, Peru and Chile in sharing information on the avocado market in Europe.
  • Willingness by farmers and exporters to fund technical and market research.
  • The avocado industry in South Africa has well-established export procedures.

Here is a top foreign exporter of South African avocado

Freshela Exporters

Freshela is a Kenyan based company that engages in the sourcing, processing and exporting of avocados and other fresh produce.

Freshela is a leading exporter of avocados. We source avocados from our company farm and partner farms.

We give competitive pricing to our customers and guarantee reliable delivery time.

We use a modern grading machine to achieve desired avocado weight. The fruit is also graded to eliminate any with physical quality defects.

We pack avocado fruit for both air and sea freights. All of our avocado packing is approved by FDA and is certified by HACCP Quality Assurance.

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Top Quality Hass & Fuerte Avocado

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