The Complete Guide to Importing Cashew Nuts in Nepal 2024

Cashew nuts initially originated in Brazil, where they were then spread across continents by Portuguese explorers who started trading them in India. All over the world, cashew nuts are consumed as snacks in the form of salted and spiced cashews that you can eat anytime.

They also come in handy with different flavors, chocolate bars, and energy bars. Cashews are also used as an ingredient in most recipes, especially in making creamy soups, and are also processed to make other cashew products like cashew cheese and butter.

According to nutritionists, one ounce of raw cashew nuts has five grams of proteins and nine grams of fiber. They are also rich in vitamins and good immunity boosters. Cashews are a good source of magnesium and copper for good bone health.

Cashew Nuts Nepal

Before industrialization, cashew nuts were grown organically without using processed pesticides, fertilizers, or chemicals that can harm crops. Cashews were grown locally with farm manure by decomposing animal feces, leaves, and waste.

Cashew trees were planted in suitable soil conditions where the soil was well-drained, and the climate was favorable for the tree. Farmers would ensure the tree was well pruned and cared for, especially in its early stages.

When cashew apples ripen, they turn yellow or red and are harvested manually by farmers. With no industrialization, the processing work was laborious, took many days, and required more people to produce large volumes of cashew nuts.

Today, cashew nuts are imported whole and processed in other countries where industrialization and resources are better to handle oversized shipments.

Cashews  Nepal

Nepal is one of the importing countries that depend on cashew imports from other exporting countries like Vietnam to supplement their local produce and meet the market demand.

In 2022, Nepal shipped over 1000  tonnes of cashew nuts. Although this was a slight decrease from the previous year, it was another high-record value. This data includes both raw cashew nuts (in-shell) and shelled cashews.

Over the last decade, cashew imports in Nepal have enjoyed steady growth. The highest jump in volume was recorded from 2019 to 2020  at 29%. The peak volume was in the year 2021 at 1,484 tonnes.

Here is the import volume of cashew nuts in Nepal between 2013 and 2022.

Importing Cashew Nuts into Nepal

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to import cashews into Nepal.

Cashew Supplying Countries to the Nepal

India is the dominant country in Nepal’s cashew import industry. Because India shares a border between the two countries, it is convenient for easy shipment of cashews to Nepal.

This allows for easy transportation of cashew nut shipments and trade between the two countries.

Other key cashew-supplying countries in Nepal are:

  • Mozambique
  • Vietnam
  • Nigeria
  • Benin
  • China

It imports cashews in smaller volumes from countries like:

  • Australia
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Japan

The primary mode of transporting cashew nuts into Nepal is a mix of road and air transport. Being landlocked, Nepal relies on oil and air transport for its cashew shipment. Their cashew shipments arrive at the Indian ports and are transported to Nepal entry points by road.

How to Know Reliable Cashew Suppliers in Nepal

Cashew importers in Nepal must follow these procedures for their shipment to be released by the customs office:

  • The importer must obtain a Nepal custom import declaration
  • The  importer must have:
  • A BBN 4 form of the Nepal Rastra Bank
  • A certificate of origin
  • Insurance certificate
  • Commercial invoice
  • Air Waybill
  • Packing list
  • Certificate of inspection
  • VAT and Income tax registration certificate
  • The importer must pay the customs duties and fees for the release of the cargo

Here is a top cashew exporter in Kenya

Freshela Exporters

Freshela is a Kenyan-based company sourcing, processing, and exporting cashew nuts and other fresh produce.

Freshela is a proud exporter of raw cashew nuts and shelled cashews. We give competitive pricing to our customers and guarantee reliable delivery time.

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